5、可以邀約曾老師來校園分享嗎?如果有空,非常樂意。請大家可以透過各區教聯會的窗口協助—北桃竹區 余麗卿老師(0975-119566)中彰投區 曾年燻老師(0919-671024)雲嘉南區 林金拔老師(0932-828297)高高屏區 李秋月老師(0919-643006)宜花東區 呂鳳瑛老師(0928-298473)
6、孩子學校老師的管教方式不當或互動不佳,怎麼辦?裕真已離開慈中四年,這過程中,沒有再接觸過學校的相關會 務,很怕自己已經跟不上時代!但蒙大家厚愛與信任,裕真建議如下:
(一)把老師也當成家人一般看待。如果學生需要被關懷,老師就更需要了!年輕的老師也曾是受 保護的孩子,在理所當然的情況下,就上了教育的第一線,心中充滿惶恐與不安,是需要被疼惜的;若遇上怠惰或世故的老師,最好的方法就是—以柔克剛、以愛關懷、以單純心對待,讓冰冷的心恢復溫度,如果這是您的家人,您會怎麼做?就那麼做。
(二)教會孩子--自己的委屈要自己去溝通。當孩子回家抱怨老師的時候,父母最好不要立即應和--即使老師 是錯的,如此,才不會在父母不小心犯錯的時候,孩子也會依您教他對待老師的態度來對待您。因此,不是處處、事事、時時都幫孩子出面去跟老師溝通,而是教導孩子要為自己的委屈發聲,學習為自己的事與他人圓融溝通,學會處理自己的情緒,同時,也觀照自己是否有需要修正的地方。
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
標題 : 發心容易,恆心難
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I am joining Tzu Chi recently and been visited to Taiwan to meet master Cheng Yan.
This was a very amazing and great tour. We had been visited to Ban Chiao, Kuan Du, Hua Lian, Tao Yuan's JIng Si tang.
This is 6 days trip from 2th-7th Oct 2010. Main purpose to visit to Taiwan Tzu Chi foundation. Schedule very tied and rush, thus, photo all taken in rush condition. This is very meaningful trip and million thanks to Taiwan Tzu Chi 师兄师姐 who take care us very well and warm welcome us. So touching! And also nice to meet new friends during this period. The most excited happening is that we all meet Master Cheng Yen! Wow! Gan En everyone!
Share some photo here. more photo at my fb ^^

This was a very amazing and great tour. We had been visited to Ban Chiao, Kuan Du, Hua Lian, Tao Yuan's JIng Si tang.
This is 6 days trip from 2th-7th Oct 2010. Main purpose to visit to Taiwan Tzu Chi foundation. Schedule very tied and rush, thus, photo all taken in rush condition. This is very meaningful trip and million thanks to Taiwan Tzu Chi 师兄师姐 who take care us very well and warm welcome us. So touching! And also nice to meet new friends during this period. The most excited happening is that we all meet Master Cheng Yen! Wow! Gan En everyone!
Share some photo here. more photo at my fb ^^
Monday, September 27, 2010
My 5th Dollhouse
This round will only uploaded few photos due to customer privacy. Will only share some pics without customer photos. ^^
This is bigger frame which can included picture size with 8'x10'. Have few design of frame and this is one of the modern type.
Lets share some picture here:
This is after finish the dollhouse. Side view with 5cm depth.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My plant
Do you believe that i changed a lot after get married?
Before married, i don't like cooking and dislike gardening. But now see what happen to me?
I like to cook every day and dinner with my hubby after back from work.
Now already almost not going out for dinner. That is good felling and i like to hear 'So good, lao po' from my husband. ^^
Maybe is because of this, everyday back from work, i start to cooking and sometime only 'listening' to my Hokkien '天下父母心’but not watching.. haha. no time for that. ^^
And, guess what i doing today? ---Gardening---
Few days back, I noticed that someone from my same floor neighbour been throw the children writing table at rubbish room, where some part of the wood already torn off like signature of exposing to water for a period and cause the wood break off.
And ask my husband: Chu, that rubbish room a, have 1 small table oh.. donno i can take to place my plant or not a?
My husband reply me with action: Off course! and then move the table near to my plant.
I arrange my plant on top of it for few days. Finally take initiative to take action today!!
I painted the table with left over brown paint from my new house cover up the original color- blue + pink and some damage part.
While waiting the paint dry, i changed some of the metal pots (previously only using paint container that after painting the house) to recycle pots that give from my father in law when he moving to new house last week.
Hmm, just realize that it's not good to plant the flower at the paint container. As the soils keep in wet condition although i already make some hole at the bottom. So, i direct change all pots. Else, i think i will wait for few weeks to do it again.. haha. i am actually lazy and busy girl.. hehe
After paint dry, i arranged the plant on top of it. And here are some pics to share.
Now only left 2 pots is placed inside the house, and other all move to outside.
This is hanging at the balconi. Bought from shop. previously place near to my washing machine and now move to here to replace the purple colour flower that i move to outside.
This plant need sunbath a lots and afternoon sun is ok. But remember to provide some 'drink' everyday. ^^

This is place beside the TV at dining room.
That is the after rearrange outside of my house~ Pics too dark.. haha
Hmm. i have total.... let me count... 12 plant here!

Some from my friends, some from hometown & some i bought from shop here
This is Spore chilies. Still small size.. hope it will grow well and can serve me chilies after that. ^^
paku pakis from my friends

From my friends and mom
This is the purple colour flower. not sure how to call it. I like the flower. But the condition not as good as when i bought from shop. Can't expose to longer afternoon sun. Hope changing to new enviroment where only expose to morning sun will help to growth more healthy.
This is from my friends as well. previously all lay on soil. i change it to crawl on the fence. i will this design ^^
And finally this is from heaven! It start to grow at my empth pots from small size until this giant size! The pots seem too small to support the size. But i have headache how to change the pot? As the root seem fill up the pots!! errr... until i find the solution, else it will keep in this pots forever... And pity is that the plant alway lay on floor when the wind is strong here. hehe
Before married, i don't like cooking and dislike gardening. But now see what happen to me?
I like to cook every day and dinner with my hubby after back from work.
Now already almost not going out for dinner. That is good felling and i like to hear 'So good, lao po' from my husband. ^^
Maybe is because of this, everyday back from work, i start to cooking and sometime only 'listening' to my Hokkien '天下父母心’but not watching.. haha. no time for that. ^^
And, guess what i doing today? ---Gardening---
Few days back, I noticed that someone from my same floor neighbour been throw the children writing table at rubbish room, where some part of the wood already torn off like signature of exposing to water for a period and cause the wood break off.
And ask my husband: Chu, that rubbish room a, have 1 small table oh.. donno i can take to place my plant or not a?
My husband reply me with action: Off course! and then move the table near to my plant.
I arrange my plant on top of it for few days. Finally take initiative to take action today!!
I painted the table with left over brown paint from my new house cover up the original color- blue + pink and some damage part.
While waiting the paint dry, i changed some of the metal pots (previously only using paint container that after painting the house) to recycle pots that give from my father in law when he moving to new house last week.
Hmm, just realize that it's not good to plant the flower at the paint container. As the soils keep in wet condition although i already make some hole at the bottom. So, i direct change all pots. Else, i think i will wait for few weeks to do it again.. haha. i am actually lazy and busy girl.. hehe
After paint dry, i arranged the plant on top of it. And here are some pics to share.
Now only left 2 pots is placed inside the house, and other all move to outside.
This plant need sunbath a lots and afternoon sun is ok. But remember to provide some 'drink' everyday. ^^
Some from my friends, some from hometown & some i bought from shop here
From my friends and mom
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My 4th Miniature Dollhouse
This is my 4th doll house prepare for PISA 3rd-5th Sept 2010 fair.
Booth 04. Pls come to pay a visit if you attend the fair today until 5th sept.
Bookshelf: My favourite Taiwan magazine and notebook
Booth 04. Pls come to pay a visit if you attend the fair today until 5th sept.
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